Informal Complaint
If you’re having a problem with your energy supply, try getting in touch with your supplier before you make a formal complaint.
- They might be able to resolve the problem informally
- Tell them what’s happening, and what you want them to do about it
- They might be able to sort it out then and there
You should note down the:
- Date and time you get in touch.
- Person you speak to
- Problem you talk about
Making a Formal Complaint
1. You should gather any supporting evidence. What you’ll need depends on your issue - for example you could:
- Get together copies of unusual bills.
- Gather notes from phone calls you’ve had.
- Look for emails from your supplier about the problem.
2. You’ll also need details of your complaint and your energy account number to hand.
- You can find this on a recent bill.
3. When you’re ready, you can complain to your supplier:
- Over the phone, or in writing by email or post.
4. Look online for your suppliers ‘complaints procedure’.
- This should be listed on their website and includes contact details for complaints.
For more information see here.
Did you know That UoB money advice team can help you with the below topics and provide workshops to help you manage your money?
Visit the Student Money website for information on Events held.
Topics covered
- Money management
- Budgeting and monitoring
- Money saving tips
- Spending wisely
- Income and expenses
- Budget comparison
- Planning a budge
If you would like to discuss any of these topics further and receive free confidential and impartial advice, you can request an appointment with a Beds SU Advisor by clicking our ‘Get help’ tab on our website
Remember when contacting Beds SU please include your full name and student number in your messages as this helps us to you respond quicker!