If something’s gone wrong with an item you’ve bought, you may be entitled to:

  • A refund, repair, or replacement
  • It doesn't matter whether you bought the item new or second hand you will still have rights.

You’ll have legal rights if the item you bought is:

  • Broken or damaged ('not of satisfactory quality')
  • Unusable (‘not fit for purpose’)
  • Not what was advertised or doesn’t match the seller’s description?

You won’t have any legal rights if:

  • It was damaged by wear and tear, an accident or misuse.
  • You knew about the fault before you bought the item.
  • You’ve just changed your mind

How to Make Sure you get What you're Entitled To

The Citizen's Advice Bureau have a handy tool for helping you understand your rights. 

Poor Service

If you have paid for a service to be carried out, for example, a haircut, and it has not been done to a satisfactory standard you can ask the provider of the service:

  • To do it again
  • For a discount on what was paid
  • Work done on your home or car repairs aren't included

Get the Service Done Again or Get a Part Refund

The law says you must first give them the option of providing the service again if it’s possible for them to do so. But you’re legally entitled to go straight to getting a discount if any of the following apply:

  • It’s not possible to get the service done again
  • It would take too long to get the service done again
  • It would be very inconvenient for you to get the service done again

The trader might agree to give you a discount rather than re-do the service if that’s what you’d prefer - you’ll have to ask and see what they say.

If you told them that their service was good enough when it was done, you don’t have the legal right to get it done again or get a discount.

Did you know That UoB money advice team can help you with the below topics and provide workshops to help you manage your money?

Visit the Student Money website for information on Events held.

Topics covered

  • Money management
  • Budgeting and monitoring
  • Money saving tips
  • Spending wisely
  • Income and expenses
  • Budget comparison
  • Planning a budge

If you would like to discuss any of these topics further and receive free confidential and impartial advice, you can request an appointment with a Beds SU Advisor by clicking our ‘Get help’ tab on our website 


Remember when contacting Beds SU please include your full name and student number in your messages as this helps us to you respond quicker!