Online Chat Groups for Societies

Beds SU has set up society chat groups online (via a discord server)

  • Links to the chat groups will be sent out intermittently throughout the academic year
  • Allows newer members to sign up as the year progresses.

How to join the Online Chat Groups for Societies

Society members will need to follow the discord server link sign up information to join their society chat group.

  • Please note that the discord chat group link may have an expiry date that you need to be signed up by.
  • If you miss the deadline date or if you want to get chatting to members as soon as you sign up, you can request a new link directly for your society chat group by contacting [email protected].

Engagement within Online Chat Groups for Societies

Within your society chat group area you can:

  • Chat to other members live
  • Leave messages 
  • Put forward or share ideas for activities you would like to see your society do this year 
  • Once you have an idea, contact [email protected] for next steps. 

Joining the Online Chat Groups for Societies is optional

It is not compulsory for members to join their society chat group. 

  • All members will receive email updates when the society has any events or activities coming up.

Social Media

Some societies also use different social media platforms to stay in touch. 

  • Such as Facebook or WhatsApp etc. 
  • They may need to stay in touch more regularly or quickly, for example, if they are working on a project or planning an event.

Society Membership

Please note that the discord server chat group links are only sent out to society members who have signed up to a society membership on the Beds SU website. 

  • Students who sign up to other social media platforms for a society, who have not joined their society as a member through the Beds SU website are not recognised society members.