Complaints may relate to (but not to be limited to):

  • The teaching and learning experience;
  • Academic services;
  • Administrative service

The student Complaints Procedure is not used for certain specific complaints:

  • Harassment. This should be dealt with under the ‘Harassment Policy’;
  • Academic Appeals. These should be dealt with under the ‘Academic Appeals Policy’. Please be aware that it is only in exceptional circumstances that an academic appeal may follow a successful complaint;
  • Complaints about individuals from **Bedfordshire Students' Union (Beds SU)**will normally be dealt under the Beds SU own ‘Complaints Procedure’;
  • Dealing with disciplinary offences including complaints by students about the behaviour of other students ‘Student Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedure’.

Complaints against staff

It is good and fair practice for you consider the following principles if your complaint is about a specific member of staff.

  • That there are no assumptions of fault until it is balanced with evidence;
  • The respect for dignity with individuals involved as the staff member has a right to be told about the complaint see the evidence which is provided.

If there is an allegation of misconduct by a member of staff and it requires further action under the Staff Disciplinary Procedure, the complainant has the right to be told of the outcome of the complaint but has no right to be informed of action taken under the Staff Disciplinary Procedure.

Complaint Stages

The complaints procedure contains the following stages

  • Stage 1 - Informal discussion;
  • Stage 2 - Formal investigation;
  • Stage 3 - Review by Student Complaints Panel.

Before stage 3 a request for mediation can be made if all parties agree.

Other important information

  • If you are unsure how or where to raise your complaint, or that the issue itself is a particularly sensitive one, we encourage you to seek advice from Beds SU Advice team at [email protected];
  • The University will not consider complaints without any evidence as this can be seen as inappropriate or nasty;
  • It is at the discretion of the registrar to whether anonymous complaints will be accepted as this also not usual common place university practice;
  • Complaints must be submitted to adjudication in a timely manner in order for it to be investigated fairly and accurately. Normally, a complaint about something which occurred over 3 months ago it will not be investigated.

How can the SU help? 

The Beds SU Advice team is unable to write your complaint for you, but we are available to discuss your case and check through any evidence or statement once it has been drafted. A member of the Beds SU Advice team might also be able to attend meetings with you to offer support and prompts, but we are unable to speak on your behalf.