A viva (short for "viva voce") is an oral examination that evaluates your understanding of your submitted work. 

When Does a Viva Happen?

A viva is usually scheduled if your work shows a high percentage of similarity to another source, suggests the use of AI, or appears to have been produced by someone else.

Before the Viva

  • Invitation: You will receive an email inviting you to attend a viva at least 5 days before the scheduled date. The email will explain why the viva is taking place.
  • Attendance: You must attend the viva. If you don't attend, it will be assumed that you can't defend your work, and your assignment will be sent to the Academic Conduct Panel with an Academic Offence Form (AOF).
  • Unable to Attend: If you can't attend, inform the panel at least 48 hours in advance, providing a valid reason and evidence.
  • Special Considerations: If you have medical or other issues (e.g., a learning disability), inform the panel. You may need to provide evidence unless the University already has your reasonable adjustments on file.

During the Viva

  • Discussion: You will discuss your assignment with a panel of two academics who will assess your understanding of the topic.
  • Evaluation: The panel's goal is to see if you clearly understand your work. They do not need to prove that you intended to commit an academic offence; they only need to evaluate based on the evidence.
  • Personal Attendance: You must attend in person; you cannot send someone else to represent you.

After the Viva

  • Results: You will receive an email informing you whether you passed or failed the viva.
  • If You Pass: (Details not provided)
  • If You Fail: Your work will be referred to the Academic Conduct Panel as an academic offence. For more information, check "What happens if I get an academic offence letter?

Feel free to ask any questions or seek further clarification if needed. Good luck!