To help protect against attacks we would advise all users to try and cultivate the following email habits:


1. When you receive an email that contains any kind of web link, before clicking on the link:

- Pause for a second and consider whether this is something you'd expect to receive in your normal daily work activities

- If it's out of the ordinary in any way then avoid clicking on the link.


2. If possible, go directly to the site concerned using your own bookmark rather than following links in email messages.


3. When you receive an email that contains an attachment of any kind:

- Pause for a second and consider whether this is expected and part of your normal daily workflow. 

- If you have doubts, call or email the person concerned to verify, or check with a colleague for a second opinion

- ICT can further advise if required.


Phishing attacks often rely on the fact that we can all become very busy and will act on 'auto pilot' as we go through our email inboxes. 

Cultivating a habit to just pause for a moment and consider email messages containing links or attachments should help you avoid falling victim to phishing.


If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact SID Online and they will pass your enquiry onto the ICT Service Desk.