Once you have submitted your Academic Appeal, the Adjudication Team will allocate a case reviewer. You should receive notification (via [email protected]) within 10 working days of the appeal reviewer being allocated your appeal. In busy periods this may take a considerable longer time. The notification will inform you of one of the following actions:


  • to uphold (accept) the appeal, inform you about the findings of the investigation and to confirm that the relevant exam board will be required to review or revise its decision (through Chair’s action) in respect to your case.
  • to not uphold (not accept) the appeal, and to provide you with a clear and complete reason for not doing so.
  • to confirm to you a deadline for response where the appeal circumstances require a longer investigation.
  • in exceptional circumstances to confirm that a case cannot be addressed adequately at stage one and will therefore proceed to stage two


It may take time for the Adjudication team to allocate a reviewer to your case, depending on the volume of appeals that they receive. If you do not get a response regarding your appeal, then please email [email protected]


If you submit your appeal using a personal email account (opposed to your @study.beds.ac.uk account as requested), there’s a chance that your appeal will automatically be relegated to the bottom of the review list.

Full details of the Academic Appeal process can be found in the UoB Academic Appeals Policy.